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spi Productions Inc. Network Projects

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Tenebrous Magazine the Webzine

"Tenebrous" is an antiquated word meaning "dark". Tenebrous Magazine is a web publication celebrating gothic lifestyles, fashions, art, poetry and assorted darker interests. The purpose of the publication is to enlighten and amuse while at the same time breaking down boundaries caused by fear and misunderstanding of the gothic community. Ms. Tracy Starr, Eternal Senior Marketing Executive for spi Productions Inc. is the creator of Tenebrous Magazine under the pseudonym Ms. Angel Demon, currently Miss L.C. Harrison is the editor. Email the editor at : Come explore what lurks in the shadows at Tenebrous by clicking the skull icon. Don't be afraid of the dark! We are currently working on updating and repairing some pages, and apologize for anything that is not fully Alive on our site; however, please enjoy what you can find crawling around, and of course we welcome you to L.C. Harrison's "The Splatter" Music Review Award page. Visit The Splatter Click the Skull!

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