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Creative Spiritual Shadow - Work

Angelynn Coaching's unique featured tool for combating immoveable roadblocks on the path to success is shining light brightly though Shadow-Work!  Visualizations, meditations, creative play, with spiritual empowerment, are incorporated along with Olana Sisters' path-working expertise to enhance self-discovery, creating a strong vision, and inspiring new strategy for achievement!

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Curious about Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Shadow-work, or Synchronicities? We got you! Consider writing our e-mail or texting (814) 392-3956 to book a free 15 minute 1 question chat, or a $50 - 90 minute personal one-on-one individualised course to assist you in furthering your goals. Are you ready?

Shadow - Work is defined as discovering and bringing light to repressed/rejected parts of the self, that were denied or thought to be undesirable, inappropriate, negative, traumatic, or bad. The idea is that by acknowledging, accepting, and working through these parts you may be more whole, healed, or at peace. In turn, the peace established brings with it some inspiration, enlightenment, and insight.


“Good does not become better by being exaggerated, but worse, and a small evil becomes a big one through being disregarded and repressed. The shadow is very much a part of human nature, and it is only at night that no shadows exist,” ~ Carl Jung.

Our Story:

Every child has a dream, and as we proceed through life sometimes we lose sense of who we really are, and our perception of self gets tangled up in the way in which the world views us and teaches us to see ourselves. This duality creates struggles, hardships, a sense of feeling stuck or trapped, that roadblock that just won't get out of our way, and it all exists in our own subconscious and mind through no fault of ours. These are not situations created by our choices, but by our experiences. The good news is that we can redirect the path! Through our perception, we can shift and change that story and mould it to further our goals, rather than hold us back.


It is the goal of Angelynn Coaching to assist others in perceiving beyond their limits, and reaching past these roadblocks to the very thing that may have appeared elusive. It is possible, believe it, feel it, act aligned with it, and it is already yours. That is the choice we can shift into, if we work through our shadows and use them to our advantage. It takes faith, self-faith, heartfelt desire, and honesty, but it is worth it to reach the full potential of your dream. Whatever success is to you, you can achieve it. Some creative strategy, visualizing, centered spiritual peace, and self-work bring amazing results, clarity, focus, and drive. We are here to encourage, support, inspire, guide, and teach new ways of perceiving. Your results are up to you. 


Angelynn Coaching has been developed from a lot of hardship, trauma, frustration, spiritual studies, and a desire to help and inspire others by sharing the wisdom and light. When we have knowledge it is always the best pursuit to share. Light shared is doubled and grows to brilliance, lighting the way for others to follow.

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