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Life & Business Coach

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Design Your Dreams Into Your Reality!

Your Financial Freedom in Abundant Prosperity & Success Start with the Right Vision!

Transform your Life Positively and Spiritually through Mindful Faith 

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Why I Started


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Transforming Minds through Spirit, Faith and Mind Power for Positive Shifts that Lead to Successes, is why

I ever considered coaching. I have always felt it a blessing to help others see situations differently in order to transform fear, anxiety, worry, stress, and doubt into joy, success, goals-realised, healing hope, and confidence. Through Spiritual Creative Life & Business Neuro Coaching, these human-spirit healing tools can become your own, and sharing wisdom of my light to enable others to shine as well is something very dear to my own heart.


My Story

I am known as Olana Sister, Amy Chris and also as writer/editor LC Harrison. As a Metaphysician and Minister, spirituality has always been a part of everything I do, and I have found that when dealing with emotions, life, positive thinking, or work, the spirit is a core component of how the mind navigates life. As a certified Neuro Linguistics Coach with a background in Jungian Life Coaching, I am dedicated to enabling people to live positively, achieve dream goals, and be kinder to themselves in life through spiritual and mindful, neuro coaching. Just as I am an intuitive consultant in my path-working, my empathy and compassion are present in my coaching. I am also a multi-entrepreneur, visual and brand designer, and expert in teamwork and leadership. I have been recognized as a Woman in Leadership, which is why helping other Women Entrepreneurs is a focus for me.

As I struggled to re-build, re-structure, re-start, re-brand not only my businesses, but also my life and spirit, I found many positive strategies, tools, and wisdom. Some were new discoveries, and some were long lost old friends, that somehow along the way got lost as I struggled in life. I have always been a very uniquely minded person, with my unique physical limits since birth and my unique perceptions of the world. I am a very open-minded, diverse, alternative- thinking, and inclusive person. I have overcome many challenges through spirituality, mindset, and positive-thinking. I have faced fears, struggled with anxiety, been unfairly judged by others, and even unfairly judged myself.

I welcome all colors in life, personality, and the world, because I believe in all those colors is a shining, brilliant light that deserves to sparkle, which is why helping Diverse Entrepreneurs is dear to my heart.

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Success Programs

*Bonus Program for "Roadmap to Overcoming Shadows" is a "Dream Work Guidance Workshop with a free Dream Interpretation".

* Bonus Program * for "Teamwork Through Shadow-work for Success" is "A Free Visualization Exercise in Aura Clearing" only for those who sign-up after receiving the "Free Offer". 

*A Free Offer* is an Olana Sisters' Path-working Consultation from Angel Cassidy (Olana Sister, Lueya/Amy Chris) with Olana Sister's exclusive 4-card, "A Coming Attractions" Reading.

Follow the instructions on Olana Sisters' Website for details to receive your offer, thank you.

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Faith Mindset
 Mindfulness for Success

Exclusive Day *VIP* 1 0n 1 Sessions and Singular Exclusive Group Events 

Turning Negative Past Stories Creatively into healed lessons, removing and replacing mindset blocks with positive new affirmations. It is more than possible, without limit, it is happening with faith and new thinking. Create your success by taking the leap of faith that says you CAN!

to Overcoming Shadows

Private Client Sessions

Sometimes all you need is the right mindset, the right focus, a goal from the heart for the right reasons, a bit of direction, encouraging guidance on the perfect road to your own success, as you see it. With some positive faith support strategies for your dreams, anything may be achieved, just believe and it is all limitlessly possible!

Teamwork Through Shadow-work for Success 

Group Consultation Workshops

For Individual or Company Life & Business Goals

(Coming in the Future)

Working with others adds support 

and encouragement for goals to drive your success in working through your past mindset traps together toward the realization and revelation necessary to fuel your successes. With some positive faith support strategies for your dreams, to drive your focus and intent towards achieving limitless possibilities!

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Transformation happens through you! We guarantee strategy, wisdom shared, learning creative connection with energy around you and within your environment, overcoming mindset roadblocks, and supportive guidance. Results are up to you!

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Victorious Stories

Coming Soon...

Your thoughts could be featured here, book Angel or try Olana Sisters, and let us know how we helped enlighten your world... We look forward to illuminating your goals, and to hearing of your success!

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Contact me to win over your shadows and successfully
achieve personal victory!

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