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Group Approach or Going Deeper

Dealing with Shadows Together

Path-working, Dream-working, Shadow-working, & Faith! Honor your emotions, balance your chakras!

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Keep Believing

Change your personal dialogue, and start taking actions aligned from your heart and clear vision.

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Strength in Community

Together we are stronger, and it becomes easier to win regarding doubts, insecurities, and negative self-talk.

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Keep C-V-C (Create - Vision - Clarity)

Create a clear vision and identify patterns to adapt! Visualize your Vision, and transform your emotions towards your goal and beyond. We have a few different exercises and meditations, as well as creative exercises to promote further Clarity.

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Teamwork and Accountability

Working with others promotes accountability, dedication, and adds support!

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Continued Reach of Success

Continue taking actions aligned from the heart and boldly reaching new goals!

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Olana Sisters

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Click the Rainbow to Visit Jem Angelynn Synergy 💜 

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©2022 by Angelynn Cassidy Keiper-Jones, Lueya, HarteStarrDesigns. Proudly created with

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to view Angel's Photography Studio!

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